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Contextual Safeguarding



Children in need of help and protection, and Contextual Safeguarding, including exploitation is one of the HSCP's priorities.  

We want children and young people to grow up free from experiencing violence and all forms of exploitation.

We will do this through:

  • Improved awareness through education and information sharing to enhance the potential for children and young people to make known that they have/are been exposed to or encouraged to engage in any form of exploitation.
  • Plans for children in need of help and protection are robust and responsive to identified needs to reduce risks.
  • Children and young people are healthy and able to transition as young adults who can make a positive contribution to the local economy and community.

How will we influence these outcomes (activities):

 Professionals will strengthen alternative harm prevention pathways to promote the welfare and safety of children and young people.

  • Continue to raise awareness within community settings to recognise signs of exploitation and how to utilise the Think Family approach to support diverting children and young people from exposure to risk.
  • Strengthen collaborative work with Adult Services relating to vulnerable young adults.

FREE Contextual Safeguarding Film and Resources from Enfield

Enfield have produced a safeguarding film and professional handbook around preventing extra familial abuse.  The resource is free and can be accessed  here. 

Please disseminate this resource widely within your agencies. We would ask that you acknowledge the role that Enfield Council, Amani Simpson and their production company AVIARD Inspires, and the children of Enfield played, in the making of the film.


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Report Abuse

MASH Report Abuse and Neglect

If you are worried about a child for any reason, contact MASH on 020 8489 4470.

If you are making a referral: childrensportalehm

If you are calling between 5pm and 9am weekdays or anytime at the weekend, call the Emergency out-of-hours duty team on 020 8489 0000.

If you or a child is in immediate danger you should always phone 999.

Allegations Against Staff - LADO

Please use LADO Referral Form updated April 2024.docx  for the LADO:

Contact LADO:

Email: LADO@haringey.gov.uk
T. 020 8489 2968

All allegations should be reported without delay to:

Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership 
5th Floor, 48 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TY

View the latest LADO Annual Report 2022-23 Final.pdf 

Thinking of using a tutor or tuition centre v3 [791kb pdf]