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Children Missing from Education

Do you know a child who is missing from education?

image of a young boy taken from children missing from education flyerIn Haringey we are concerned about any child or young person who is missing out on their education.

It may not only be their education at risk, but also their safety and welfare. That’s why we need your

Everyone needs to play their part in protecting children missing from education. By contacting us you are ensuring the safety and well-being of some of the most
vulnerable children and young people within our community.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you know of a child who is not in school and may not be receiving education at home.

Complete our Children Missing Education form online at:

weblink icon and text image

Contact us at:

children missing from education email icon and email address text image

children missing from education telephone icon and text image

If you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999.

who are children missing from education - image text

These are children and young people aged 5-16 who are:
cme-arrow icon not registered at a school
cme-arrow icon poorly attending school or education provision
cme-arrow icon not being educated at home or through another approved educational provision

Every child and young person aged 5-16 is legally entitled to full-time education, whatever their needs or circumstances. When young people are not in school they are missing out on the essential learning they need to progress in life. It could also be an indication there is something wrong in their home life or with their physical and mental wellbeing.

what are the possible dangers - image text

Children missing education are more likely to be at risk of:
cme-arrow icon harm or neglect
cme-arrow icon being abused or exploited at home
cme-arrow icon being illegally employed
cme-arrow icon becoming involved in criminal activity
cme-arrow icon committing antisocial behaviour
cme-arrow icon misusing drugs and alcohol

why do children miss education - image text

The most common reasons can include:

cme-arrow icon parents/carers not realising the age a child should start primary school or move up to secondary school
cme-arrow icon not attending school due
cme-arrow icon parents/carers taking their child out of school due to a dispute or disagreement
cme-arrow icon families moving house frequently or becoming homeless
cme-arrow icon families newly arrived to the UK
cme-arrow icon no school places being available when a family moves to a new area
cme-arrow icon families experiencing breakdown and/or domestic abuse
cme-arrow icon parents/carers deciding to home educate and not informing the local authority
cme-arrow icon children caring for a member of the family
cme-arrow icon children in domestic servitude

Parents/carers choosing to educate children at home are advised to inform the local authority of their intentions.

what happens after I report a concern - image text

When you share information with us about young people you think are missing from education, we can make sure they are safe, and registered at a school or an alternative educational setting as soon as possible.

We all have a responsibility to protect children and help those who are missing out on their education. By contacting us you are ensuring the safety and wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable children and young people within our community.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you know of a child who is not in school and may not be receiving education at home.

children missing education - link icon and image

email address image text children.missingeducation@haringey.gov.uk

children missing education red and blue footer background

View the children missing from education flyer here.


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Report Abuse

MASH Report Abuse and Neglect

If you are worried about a child for any reason, contact MASH on 020 8489 4470.

If you are making a referral: childrensportalehm

If you are calling between 5pm and 9am weekdays or anytime at the weekend, call the Emergency out-of-hours duty team on 020 8489 0000.

If you or a child is in immediate danger you should always phone 999.

Allegations Against Staff - LADO

Please use LADO Referral Form updated April 2024.docx  for the LADO:

Contact LADO:

Email: LADO@haringey.gov.uk
T. 020 8489 2968

All allegations should be reported without delay to:

Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership 
5th Floor, 48 Station Road
Wood Green
N22 7TY

View the latest LADO Annual Report 2022-23 Final.pdf 

Thinking of using a tutor or tuition centre v3 [791kb pdf]