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Welcome to the Haringey safeguarding Children Partnership website - What to do if you are worried about a child

New Safeguarding Arrangements

Monday 23rd September 2019

The new Safeguarding arrangements in Haringey will be   implemented on 29 September 2019. Please see a summary of Haringey Multi Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA) and a letter from the Independent Chair of HSCP below:

Safeguarding summary of new arrangements (Doc, 102KB)
Letter to all front line staff from the Independent Chair re new arrangements (Doc, 614KB)

You will see some changes to this website over the coming weeks to reflect the new arrangements however the interagency safeguarding procedures will remain largely unaltered at this time and all the usual multi-agency training opportunities will continue to be provided.

We are in the process of developing a new HSCP website which is anticipated to go live on 4 November 2019


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