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Guidance & Legislation



pdf document iconWorking together to safeguard children 2023 - Statutory Guidance

pdf document iconAn Illustrated Guide to the Children's Social Care National Framework

pdf document iconChildren's Social Care National Framework - December 2023

pdf document iconChampioning Kinship Care - The National Kinship Care Strategy

Download Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership HSCP Thresholds Guidance v1.8 Final.pdf  to get a better idea of how thresholds should be applied locally.

As well as preventative measures, such as having a range of safeguarding policies, safe practice also involves safer recruitment and consistent procedures for dealing with abuse Allegations Against Staff

View the latest LADO Annual Report 2022-23 Final 

This section is designed to support all areas of professional practice with a detailed resource of relevant documents, including:

  • local and national guidance
  • guidance on specific areas and contexts of child protection work

Safeguarding and Child Protection practice is supported by the legal framework and both statutory and non-statutory guidance.

The Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) issues guidance and London-wide child protection procedures to ensure consistency in the practice across the 32 London boroughs.

Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) issues local guidance that supports professionals working at a local level with the prominent local needs.

The guide, “Care Experience Matters” has now been published and can be found here - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/care-experience-matters.  

Multi-agency Practice Principles for responding to child exploitation and extrafamilial harm final

pdf document iconMulti-agency Practice Principles for responding to child exploitation and extrafamilial harm final

pdf document icon

Intra-familial child sexual abuse (2nd edition)

pdf document icon

Sibling sexual behaviour - English

Word document icon   Forced Marriage Children and Young People's Policy final

Word document icon   Forced Marriage briefing final

Word document icon   Forced Marriage Information and Guidance 

Relevant Legislation:

Children and Young Persons Act 2008 aims to ensure children in care receive high-quality care and services, which are focused on and tailored to their needs.

In England, the Department for Education (DfE) has provided guidance and regulations on care planning, placement and case review (PDF) (DfE, 2021).

The DfE has also published a protocol for local authority children’s services, local care providers, police forces, criminal justice agencies and local health services (including mental health services) on reducing criminalisation of looked after children and care leavers (DfE, 2018a).

In England, schools must have a designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children. The DfE has published statutory guidance for local authority maintained schools on their roles and responsibilities (DfE, 2018b).

The DfE has published guidance on promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children (PDF) (DfE, 2018c).

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a guideline on Looked after children and young people, which sets out how organisations, practitioners and carers should work together to deliver high-quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for children in care (NICE, 2021).

The NSPCC website contains a wealth of information on looked after children

Looked after children | NSPCC Learning

Health and Care Act 2022 (legislation.gov.uk)

Website PuttingChildren_YP_AtHeartOfGov.pdf

Revised Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Website by: Taylorfitch